Scandinavian Cyber-Posten

Welcome to the Scandinavian Cyber-Posten!

The Scandinavian Cyber-Posten is my blog for the band. Ever since I started reading The Machine's Pump on the Brave Combo website I've wanted my own blog. After all, I'm a creative and intelligent person and I have thoughts on a lot of things. Here's a place where you can read what I think about a variety of topics. I hope you enjoy what you read. If you have any feedback on what I've written, email me at

Saturday, March 24

Spring has sprung!

Greetings, Scandinavian Fans! Spring is, indeed, here in the Pacific Northwest. I know because I'm out there trying to cut down and root out the blackberry vines before they take over all of Pierce County. I also know it's spring because we're in the thick of booking for the year. We're starting to line up some of the real meaty gigs of our year. We'll be performing at the Puyallup Fair this year, the first time since 1998. It's nice to be performing at the same fair I went to so many times as a kid. We're also going to be in Leavenworth *THREE* times this year: once in May, once in June and once in October. This is going to be a good year!

The spring performing season is under way. On March 16th we traveled out to the coast to the Finnish town of Naselle to perform a school assembly and evening dance. We primarily played Finnish music. The kids *LOVED* it! They went crazy for the assembly and many of them came to the dance that evening. It was really encouraging to see a whole gymnasium full of kids clapping and cheering about traditional humppas and jenkkas and waltzes. The best moment was after the assembly when the kids were filing out to their respective classrooms and one of the smaller girls came up to me and said sheepishly, "Mr. Hanson, I'm one-quarter Finnish. My grandfather is a Finn." She was very proud of that and felt priveledged to share it with me. When I can get a child excited about his or her heritage then I've done my job.

Keep an eye out for our future events and projects. This is going to be a good year for us. We hope to see you out there at some of our upcoming events!



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