Scandinavian Cyber-Posten

Welcome to the Scandinavian Cyber-Posten!

The Scandinavian Cyber-Posten is my blog for the band. Ever since I started reading The Machine's Pump on the Brave Combo website I've wanted my own blog. After all, I'm a creative and intelligent person and I have thoughts on a lot of things. Here's a place where you can read what I think about a variety of topics. I hope you enjoy what you read. If you have any feedback on what I've written, email me at

Tuesday, December 7

Goin' To The Chapel...

I am pleased to announce to both regular Cyber-Posten readers that I'm getting married! Woohoo! Yes, friends, yours truly, Toby Hanson, is getting married. You may have read my previous post about my loving girlfriend, Danna. Well, she's been upgraded to fiancée with the Engagement Ring Service Pack. The wedding is April 30th at Lake City Christian Church. The reception will follow at the Ballard Odd Fellows Hall with Lyle Schaefer and a big jam session. It's going to be wonderful!

All of these changes have got me thinking about the band and how it's developed. In May we'll be celebrating our 10th anniversary. In May 1995 I got some of my fellow Cornish students together and started a little band. I had alwas wanted my own polka band, even since I got together with friends in high school to form the first iteration of the Smilin' Scandinavians. With the help of Christopher Overstreet I was able to organize the band. Over the years I've grown a lot as a musician and learned much more about the polka field and expanded what we're able to do as a band. We've added swing, Latin, country and a bunch of pattern dances to the book. We've recorded three albums. We've played shows in some of the diverse places in the Pacific Northwest and other areas of the US and Canada.

When I started the band way back then I had no idea what would happen. I never planned on anything. I never planned on having a business checking account or having a bank endorsement stamp. I didn't know I'd have my own four-drawer filing cabinet. Now I have a whole new life that's developed and grown up around the band: I'm marrying a wonderful woman who shares my passion for music and performance; I have a band of wonderful, kind, talented, intelligent musicians; I'm well-respected by my peers; our audiences enjoy our performances. I am truly fortunate.

I would like to thank each and every one of you who has supported us over the years, especially the polka clubs who have hired us for so many dances and polka fests.

As it's that time of the year, I'd also like to wish everybody the December greeting of your choice.



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